6 min readJun 11, 2023


How to check if your gpu is working properly [4 Easy methods]

Photo by Redd F on Unsplash

So, you want know how to check if your gpu is working properly or not.

Then you came to the right article.

In this article, I will teach. About the three easy ways. By following them.

You can check if your GPU or graphics card is working properly or not.

I will explain everything using images. And also share my own experience.

It will help you. When you are going to buy a second graphics card or GPU.

Or you are already using the graphics card. And want to check if it’s is working properly or not.

So, let’s start our article.

Contents Shortcuts

How to check if your gpu is working properly?

Use the DirectX Diagnostic Tool.

Here, I will teach you. How you can use the DirectX Diagnostic tool in Windows

To check if your GPU is working properly or not. Press the Windows + r button.

A new window will appear on the left-hand side of your computer screen.

Now type “dxdiag”. Then click OK. The DirectX Diagnostic Tool will open.

In the DirectX Diagnostic Tool, go to the display section. In the “NOTES”.

If you see “No problems found”. Then you can take a relaxing breath.

Because this shows that. Your GPU or graphics card is working properly.

Check the Device Manager.

Let’s see how you can check if the GPU or graphics are working properly or not.

In the device manager.

Go to the search bar in the window. And type device manager. Now click on the device manager.

The Device Manager window will open. Look for the display adapters. Click on the display adapters.

Now you will be able to see the graphics card you have installed on your computer.

Double-click on your graphic’s name. A new window will open.

In the general section. Look there for “Device Status“. If it says “This device is working properly,“, then your GPU or graphics card is working properly.

Do a GPU stress test.

A GPU benchmark test is the best way to check in real time. Is your GPU working properly or not?

So, here we will use the FurMark to do the stress test.

Using FurMark, I have done the GPU stress test for 30 minutes. You can watch it in the video below.

The stress test happened at 1080p resolution. And the maximum temperature was 78 degrees Celsius.

While my GPU’s RTX 3060 maximum recommended temperature is 80 degrees Celsius,

And during the 30 minutes of the stress test. I didn’t see any kind of GPU artifact on the screen.

Nor did my screen go blue. Also, my GPU didn’t crash. Nothing happened. My GPU stress test was successful.

Although my GPU and PC cabinet fans are spinning at a very high speed,

It shows that my GPU is working properly.

If you will also do the GPU stress test, For 30 minutes (recommended) or more.

If you don’t see anything like a GPU artifact, blue screen, or GPU crash,

It means your GPU is also working properly.

Note: You can use a benchmarking tool like Heaven Benchmark.

Play games for hours

Ok, using the stress test software You have done the stress test on your GPU.

But it’s time to do some real-world tests. For that, you can play high-graphics-demanding games like God of War, CyberPunk, or other games.

Which on is available to you. Set the graphics setting of the games to the highest.

And play games for hours. If you are enjoying the games for hours.

Without artifacts and GPU crashes. It means your GPU is working properly.

How do I test my GPU before buying it?

When you are going to buy a second-hand graphics card. There are some things you should keep in mind.

Inspect the graphics card. And look for any physical damage, dents, or scratches. And also, the graphics card has all the screws.

Check the graphics card freely without any weird sounds or resistance. Also, look for dust buildup on the fan.

Best way to test gpu is, install the gpu on your computer. And see, is your system recognizing the GPU or not?

Then you can install the benchmarking and GPU stress test software. Like Heaven Benchmark and Furmark.

To put your GPU under some load. So, you can see some possible issues with the graphics card.

What you can do is play games at high settings for hours. It would be the best thing to do.

Before you buy the graphics card.

When you install the graphics card on your PC for testing purposes. Make sure you have installed the latest GPU driver.

And also, you are doing the GPU benchmarking and stress test. in a ventilated space.

How do I stress-test my GPU?

Download software like Heaven Benchmark or Furmark. From their official site.

Then install the software on your PC. Then start the stress test. And while doing the stress test.

Are there any artifacts? And during the high temperatures, did your GPU crash or not?

And you can open the MSI afterburner. So you can watch the CPU temperatures and core clock speed. Also, fan speed

If your GPU did not crash. Then your GPU stress test was successful. And your GPU is working properly.

How do I check my GPU on runtime?

Press Ctrl+Shift+Esc. The task manager will open. Now go to the performance section.

Here, click on the GPU. You will be able to see the GPU temperature, utilization, and memory use.

Want to see more details? You can download and install software like GPU-Z or MSI Afterburner.


Conclusion: How to check if your gpu is working properly.

So, these are my thoughts on how to check if your GPU is working properly.

There are several ways to check if the GPU is working properly. Use a DirectX diagnostic tool, device manager, and GPU stress test, and play games for hours.

And they will help you find exactly the condition of your GPU.

See you next time…

