4 min readJun 6, 2023

Hardware accelerated gpu scheduling: Is this worth it.

Photo by Caspar Camille Rubin on Unsplash

Are you suffering from low FPS? And want to improve your pc games FPS.

Then in this article, we will talk about the HAGS/Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.

It’s a windows inbuilt feature. After turning it on, you can expect that. You will get some more FPS. In your gameplay.

In this article. You will learn more than turning on off HAGS. So, make sure to stay till the end.

So, you can have a complete understanding of the HAG/Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.

Contents Shortcuts

How to enable or disable hardware accelerated GPU scheduling?

There are three easy ways. By following them you can turn on HAGS on your computer.

Let’s learn one by one about every single way.

Through Settings

Go to your computer Settings>System>Display.

Then scroll down. And you will get the “Graphics settings” options. Click on that.

The new section will open. In that section, you will get the option to turn on or off the Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling.

Registry Editor

Go to your computer’s windows search bar. And type Registry Editor.

Then, click on the Registry Editor app. The app will open. Follow this path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SYSTEM\ ControlSet001\ Control\GraphicsDrivers.

Now click on the HwSchMode. Fill the Value Data with the 2 and the Base should be Hexadecimal. Click on the ok.

Your Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling (HAGS) is now on.

Bonus tip

Bonus tip: the easiest way to turn on the HAGS. In your windows search bar on the left side of your screen.

Go there and type Graphics settings. Now click on the graphics setting app. The app will open.

And you will get the option to turn on or off the HAGS.

Should you enable the HAGS/Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling?

It’s a very subjective thing. Because everyone does not have the same pc configuration.

In my case, I have the Ryzen 5 5600x and RTX 3060 GPU. I benchmark the two recent and famous games.

God of war and CyberPunk 2077. And I did not make much difference. I benchmark both games.

When HAGS was on and off. So, for me, this feature is not that helpful.

But if you have a different pc configuration than me. I will suggest you try this feature on your gaming pc.

Because this is available for free in windows.

What type of hardware do you need for HAGS?

Not all graphics cards support the hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling.

There are different explanations for NVIDIA and AMD.

For the NVIDIA gpu. Your driver should be 450 drivers or later. And the gpu should be Pascal (1000 Series) or later.

In the case of AMD gpu. Your gpu should be AMD RX 5000 series or later.

Then only you will get the option to turn on or off the hardware accelerated GPU scheduling.

So, now you understand. Why on your computer? You are not getting the option to turn on or off the HAGS.

What is HAGS/Hardware accelerated GPU scheduling?

HAGS is an inbuilt feature of windows. Which is available from the 10 May 2020 windows update 2004.

Which allows GPU VRAM to work more. So the CPU can have the least stress.



Hardware accelerated gpu scheduling is not useful for all the games and pc. And also it’s not available on every computer.

But, if this feature is available on your computer. You can try these features.

It might give you a little bit of a boost in fps. If it does not. No need to be sad.

I also did not see a big difference. When I tried the god of war and cyberpunk 2077.

I have only these two latest games. If you have tried on the different latest games.

Which takes the benefits of HAGS. Share your experience in the comment.

See you next time…